The Animation, Visual Effects, Gaming and Comic (AVGC) sector in India has a potential to 5% of the global market share by year 2025, creating over 1,60,000 new jobs annually (Source: Press information bureau, India). NordicMojo stepped into this industry just at the right time, by collaborating with the leaders of game education, based in Finland. NordicMojo, in collaboration with Finnish experts, scaled-up a dedicated Gaming Technology Learning platform. It offers 2700+ hours of content with 20+ courses designed, delivered, and accredited by Nordic universities. The platform is piloted in India with 200 students hand-picked from reputed educational institutes.


Infogen Labs has a Gaming studio with a strong global team of experts, offering advanced Engineering & AR/VR solutions. Their Gaming Studio specializes in providing comprehensive end-to-end solutions in education, healthcare and brand portfolio management verticals to Fortune 500 customers.


Nordic Mojo and Infogen Labs have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to collaborate and take the next step towards accelerating our ambition of transforming the Gaming landscape in India. This collaboration will pave the way to build an ecosystem which'll provide training, employment and indigenous game development opportunities to aspiring talent in India.

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