“A software engineer with passion for studies in computational biology,” is how Dr. Rupali Bhalerao likes to introduce herself. With more than 25 years’ experience of working in the field of research and academia in Nordic countries, Rupali is a Research Analyst with Umeå University. She holds dual degrees, with Bachelor in computer engineering and a Doctorate in Biotechnology from KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm.

When did your tryst with the Nordics begin?In 1999, I moved to Umeå, Sweden from Köln, Germany. Having pursued my primary, secondary education and graduation from India, moving to the Nordics made me discover the unique flexibility of combining work and studies that the region offered. I promptly embarked upon the unique opportunity to use my programming skills in a Plant Biotechnology research project, as well as do research studies. Soon after, I completed a Doctoral degree in Biotechnology from Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, followed by a brief career as a Bioinformatician at the Swedish Agricultural and Forestry University. Learning the local language at a very early stage helped me understand the Nordic culture and way of living better and brought me closer to the people.

Tell us about your work in promoting Indo-Nordic collaboration?During the years 2006-2009, when I was a project manager at the Faculty of Science and Technology, Umeå University, one of my key tasks was to attract students from India to Master Degree programs in the area of science and technology. The work resulted in promising Student Exchange Agreements with Indian Universities and colleges. Owing to my skills of connecting people and broaden the scope of collaboration for partners from India and the Nordic nations, I was asked to join the board of the Nordic Centre in India (NCI), a consortium of Nordic universties facilitating research and studies in India for students from Nordic countries. Subsequently, I was elected as the Chairperson for the Board of NCI for a period of two years. Today, an understanding of the work culture both in India and the Nordics, and being a global citizen, gives me a unique opportunity to bridge cultural gaps and strengthen synergies.

What attracted you to NordicMojo?NordicMojo is strongly driven by the Nordic Model and is committed to leverage Indo-Nordic collaboration to promote a curriculum which prepares students for future studies. This objective strongly resonates with my values as I have been actively involved in multiple projects to connect researchers and scholars from India with potential partners in the Nordic universities and research Institutes. During the last decade the bilateral relations between India and Sweden as well as other Nordic countries have also become stronger which has given a boost even to the collaborations in the academic sector. I am looking forward to use my experience in establishing strong partnership agreements between academic institutions of the two regions.

What does Dr. Rupali Bhalerao do when she is not working or studying?Gardening is my passion. I also enjoy jogging and have been in places like San Francisco running half marathon. I enjoy hiking and am in a beautiful place to try it. I am also very comfortable just being home and reading or watching TV series. I feel relaxed working out in groups doing aerobics, yoga , and more. I do go for cross country skiing on frozen lakes around Umeå during the winters. I am also am amateur golfer, starting to play golf recently. Being interested in languages (I am fluent in Swedish and German), I am looking to learn Spanish and maybe someday Chinese language too. I am also always happy meeting and connecting people.

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